Many of us learned in school that “energy is the ability to do work.” If we think about it, this is an accurate description of energy. The amount of work done by a force on an object is given by the product of the force and the displacement. It can be positive, negative or zero, depending on the direction of the force relative to the displacement, and it is measured in joules (J).
What we do with our energy at work depends on the kind of work we do. In physics, work changes the amount of mechanical energy in an object, the thermal energy of a system, or the electrical energy of an electrical device. It can also be transferred from one object to another. For example, when you throw a ball it moves from the hand to your hand. The force that you applied to the ball over the distance thrown is what gives it its kinetic energy.
For the most part, we don’t think of work in this way. Instead, we consider the benefits that work can provide us. Among the most important are a sense of accomplishment, an intellectual challenge and financial security. However, work is not a panacea for all problems. People who depend solely on the benefits of work may have a hard time dealing with rocky times in their lives, whether they are caring for a sick parent or recovering from a bad breakup.
In some cases, the benefits of work can even outweigh the drawbacks, and this is especially true if you choose the right type of work for yourself. If you’re the type of person who thrives on intellectual challenges and doesn’t get bored easily, you will probably want to find a challenging and stimulating job. If you enjoy the social aspect of work, or you like working with a variety of people, you will want to seek out jobs or careers that give you opportunities to meet new people.
It’s not easy to define the benefits of work, but there are some things that most of us can agree on. For example, most people would say that work provides them with a sense of accomplishment. Others might argue that a successful career helps to maintain their identity and self-worth. Still, others might mention the importance of a stable income or the sense of stability that it can provide during rocky times in their life. Finally, some might point out that work gives them a chance to use their skills and talents. All of these reasons are valid, but they may not be equally important for everyone. It is important to rank-order the benefits of work and decide which ones are most meaningful to you.