How to Determine the Work Done by an Athlete


Work is the transfer of energy from a force to an object or system. This energy changes the amount of mechanical and internal energy that an object or system possesses.

To determine the work that is done on an object, one must take into account three factors: the force, the displacement that the body travelled under the force and the angle between the two. The most common way to do this is to use the equation y = f x where y is the distance that the body travelled under the force and f is the force applied.

If the arrows above the equation show that both the force and the displacement are in the same direction, the work is positive and the system will be given an increase in its energy. On the other hand, if the arrows above the equation show that the force and the displacement are in opposite directions, the work will be negative and the system will have a decrease in its energy.

In this example, the ball thrown by a baseball player is traveling 20 meters and the force of 10 newtons is acting along this distance. This is the total work that was done on the ball.

Alternatively, the work on the ball could be evaluated by using the equation y = Fs where y is the distance that the ball traveled under the force and Fs is the force that was applied. The work on the ball could be compared with the work done on the person throwing the ball.

This is because the energy transferred by a force to an object or system is equal to the amount of mechanical and internal energy that is increased. This is why it is so important for an athlete to do a full warm-up before they compete in a race. The warm-up is designed to increase the athlete’s physical strength and flexibility, which will help them perform better during the race. The exercise also helps the athlete recover from any injuries that they may have suffered during training.