
Bottle Types and Diagnostic Shapes

A jar or bottle for holding liquid, especially a distilled spirit. Occasionally, used as a general term for any container.

A container with a narrow neck and wider body, for holding liquids such as spirits, wines or waters. Often used for medical or pharmaceutical preparations but also for other products like vinegar, oils and foods. Bottles can be made from a variety of materials including glass, plastics and metals. They can be plain or adorned with decorative labels and designs or even have a handle for carrying. Bottles were invented in the early 19th century and remain the most common packaging for liquids to this day.

The complex of bottle type and diagnostic shape webpages that follow will always be a “work-in-progress” for the author as there is a nearly endless diversity in bottle types & shapes that were manufactured during the era covered on this site. These pages attempt to represent an on-line “type collection” and “dating guide” for bottles produced during the period from the early 1800’s through the mid-20th century.

Frequently, it is not possible to definitively date or categorize a particular bottle based on the information found here alone but running a bottle through the questions on these Bottle Dating pages often helps to narrow the likely manufacturing date range and can help determine what the bottle was probably used for. The more key manufacturing based diagnostic characteristics that can be discerned, the closer the probable date range will be.

In addition, the process of “Bottle Typing” can provide additional clues about what a bottle was used for. The term bottle episode arose in the 1960’s and is most commonly associated with an episode of a television show called Community (season 2, episode two) where a group of characters are involved in a bottling spree that leads to them reliving their past failures in an attempt to save money on a wedding.

A word that combines the terms bottle and episode is also sometimes used for any sort of theatrical disaster or flop, particularly one that is so bad it can never be recovered from or repaired. This sense of the word is probably related to the fact that a bottle is generally considered to represent courage or nerve and that the word fiasco itself was 19th Century theater slang for a dismal flop, on or off the stage.

The Unseen Work of the Future

A lot of people’s sense of identity and self-worth revolves around work. If your job doesn’t feel meaningful or connected to something bigger than yourself, you can struggle to find meaning in other aspects of life.

Work can provide an intellectual challenge, and this is important to many people. However, if that’s all you get out of your job, it might not be the right fit for you. You might need a more hands-on, creative job. It’s important that the work you do feels stimulating to your mind, and that it has an impact on other people’s lives.

The unseen work of the future requires workers to find solutions to challenges that haven’t even emerged yet. It requires them to envision possibilities and create a vision of the future. It takes time and energy, but it is a key part of capturing the value of the future of work for both institutions and individuals.

Often, the unseen work involves finding new and innovative ways to solve problems. It requires creativity and innovation to uncover untapped potential and create opportunities that will have a positive impact on other employees, customers, partners, and communities.

This type of work is often the kind that has the most potential for change, because it focuses on creating value to others. It can also transform your relationship with your job and with your coworkers. In addition, the unseen work can have a significant impact on your personal and family life.

It is not a stretch to say that the future of work will be dependent on the quality of the relationships you form in the workplace. This is true of both formal and informal work. Regardless of how you define the term, it is important to nurture these relationships and make sure they are aligned with your values and goals.

In physics, work is the transfer of energy from one object to another. It is defined as the product of a force (F) and a displacement (d). The SI unit for work is the joule.

For a constant force and a constant displacement, the amount of work done is equal to the product of the force strength times the distance traveled. For a varying force and a varying displacement, the amount of work done is equals the square root of the product of the force strength and the distance traveled.

As the world of work continues to evolve, companies will have to rethink their management systems, workplaces, operations, leadership and management capabilities, and human capital practices. Redefining work will require a deep understanding of what is needed to inspire and ignite worker passion across the entire organization. The result will be a workforce that is engaged in the pursuit of a meaningful and sustainable career, where they are constantly finding ways to make an impact that matters. In turn, that will fuel a more positive future of work for both institutions and individuals.

Making Love – How to Make Your Man Fall in Love

There are different kinds of love, and it is important to understand them before you can make true and lasting love. One kind of love is making love, and it involves emotional intimacy and physical intimacy. It also includes a spiritual bond between the partners. Love making is an experience that can be very intense and romantic, and it is often described as a feeling of bliss.

Many people confuse making love with having sex, but they are not the same thing. Having sex refers to general sexual intercourse with any person, whereas making love implies a special connection between the partners.

Unlike having sex, making love is usually done within the context of a relationship and reflects emotional intimacy between the partners. Moreover, making love usually includes intimate foreplay and touching before and after the sexual experience. It may even include hugs and kissing before or after the activity.

When a man is making love to you, he will pay attention to the details that will give you more pleasure. He will be patient and take his time before getting to the most sensitive parts of your body. He will also show up in a clean shirt because he wants to impress you. He will smell good and may wear cologne or deodorant that is sexy and aromatic.

He will stroke your hands, back and shoulders before taking his time to go down on you. He will also keep eye contact with you at all times during the sexual experience. This is a sign that he cares about the relationship more than just physical gratification. He will also hold your hand during sex to show that he is not afraid to show affection.

Stroking your partner’s manhood is an effective way to please him during sex. If you have a lubricant, rub it on your hands and then stroke his manhood, starting from the base and moving up to the tip. Use circular and twisting motions to get him more aroused. Make sure to keep your hands soft, and you do not touch his genital area with force.

In addition to stroking his manhood, you can also fondle him with your hands during sex. This will increase his arousal and make the experience more exciting for you both physically and emotionally. You can also gently but firmly massage him with your fingers and palms. Using your hands during sex can be very sensual and arousing for men.

Making love to your partner means that you will care about him and his needs more than your own desires. In order to achieve this, you must be honest with him and share your feelings with him. Then, you will be able to make love with him without sacrificing your self-respect. Having sex with a stranger can be fun and passionate, but it is not as fulfilling as making love with someone you care about. Lovemaking is a deep, spiritual experience that requires courage and vulnerability.

What is a Bottle Episode?

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re either a fan of Community or have heard murmurs on the internet about the mysterious concept of “bottle episode.” It’s a term that’s been thrown around in conversations and debates on the meaning and significance of countless television episodes — but just what is it, exactly? And why are people so obsessed with it?

The term bottle is used to describe a particular type of episode that’s often made in an unconventional way, usually with limited budget and resources. The episodes usually take place in a single, contained location or setting, and involve little to no special effects or complex production elements. As a result, they can be produced much more quickly and cheaply than normal episodes of a show. Because of this, they’re known for being a bit more bizarre or strange than other types of TV episodes.

A bottle episode is an episode that focuses on a character who is isolated in some way or another. These episodes are popular amongst sci-fi and horror shows, as well as dramas with a strong focus on character development. They’re a great way to explore a character’s relationships and emotions, and can also help to make for some of the most memorable episodes of a series.

The word “bottle” is also used as slang to refer to something that’s been lost or misplaced. This is probably due to the fact that a bottle was traditionally used as an alternative to a glass cup for drinking, so it can be quite easy to lose one. The phrase is also sometimes used as a euphemism for someone being on their arse, as in the saying, “He’s got a big bottle of nothing on him.”

From the English language’s Middle English botel (“bottle, flask, wineskin”), and from Old French boteille (bottle), derived from bol (bottle) and telos (cap). The term is now also used to refer to any type of container.

There are several different types of bottles, each suited for a specific purpose or use. They can be used to contain liquids, such as milk or soda, as well as dry substances, like motor oil or shampoo. Bottles are also used in medicine and health products, for packaging foods, and for many other applications.

In terms of raw materials, plastic is the most common substance for making bottles. The most popular type of plastic used to create bottles is high-density polyethylene, commonly known as HDPE. It’s a versatile and durable plastic that’s used for items like water containers, margarine tubs, laundry detergent bottles, milk jugs, and shampoo bottles. It’s also a great choice for food and beverage packaging, as it’s very resistant to chemicals and is safe to drink from.

There are also other forms of plastic, such as PET (polyethylene terephthalate), which is created by reacting petroleum hydrocarbons with ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. It’s also a popular choice for food and beverage packaging because it is resistant to bacterial growth, has good clarity, and is safe to drink from. Other types of plastics used to create bottles include polyvinyl chloride and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (PBA).

Redefining the Nature of Work

Whether we’re talking about a horse pulling a plow across the field, a father pushing his cart through the grocery store aisles, or an Olympian throwing the shot-put, work is the means by which we turn the sun’s energy into the resources that make life possible. And yet, in the midst of our conversations about the future of work, it seems few of us have pondered the very nature of work.

In physics, work transfers energy from one place to another or from one form to another, and is a vector quantity that has no direction. For a constant force, it is the product of the force strength and the displacement induced by that force. The unit of measurement for work is the joule. Lifting a 100-pound weight one foot twice does the same amount of work as lifting it four yards.

We might define work in more abstract terms, such as the effort it takes to overcome a force acting on a body that’s at rest or moving at a steady speed. Work can also be the change in the potential energy of a mechanical device, the thermal energy of an engine, or the electrical energy in an electric motor.

Work can provide a sense of stability when other areas of our lives are rocky. It can also challenge our mental muscles, and it can give us a sense of accomplishment that bolsters our identity and self-worth. When these feelings are balanced against the other ways we use our time and energy, they can help us maintain a healthy sense of well-being.

However, when these qualities are taken to extremes, work can become a source of cynicism and bitterness. We may remember the times it took unjustly, the passions it snuffed out, and the people it hurt, and we might grow to see it as something to be feared and avoided, not a place where hope and opportunities abound.

Redefining work is not about reskilling to complete new tasks or adopting a different management style, although those can be important steps in the right direction. It’s about creating an environment in which workers are free to continually identify and address unseen problems/opportunities, and in doing so they can generate greater value for themselves and their employers. This requires a fundamental shift in how we think about the future of work, and it starts with cultivating capabilities like curiosity, imagination, intuition, creativity, and empathy. If these are the building blocks of an organization’s workforce, it can shift the future of work conversation from one centered on fear and adversity to one that focuses on hope and opportunity for everyone involved. That’s how we’ll capture the potential of this incredibly powerful vector.

The Importance of Making Love

Making love is a form of physical intimacy that brings people closer together. It also involves an emotional connection that is deeper than just physical pleasure. The undercurrent of judgement surrounding sex and love-making leaves this critical part of every healthy relationship often out of reach for couples. This can cause problems that are more serious than simply a lack of pleasure.

Many couples have a different idea of what makes for a romantic night, and sex isn’t always about kissing, cuddling or touching. Some people like to have a little foreplay before sex while others prefer to jump right in. Either way, it’s important to communicate with your partner about what you want and need. The best way to do this is by talking about sex outside the bedroom. Having regular conversations about sexual desires and fantasies can set the mood for a more intimate sex experience in the bedroom.

A man who knows how to make love would be considerate of your needs before and after sex. He would not try to pressure you into crossing your boundaries or force you to do something that made you uncomfortable. He would take his time to caress you, he would hold you in his arms and would make sure to use soft words and gentle touches. He would talk about your day and listen to your stories and he would not go too fast. He would know when to slow down and when to speed up. He would maintain eye contact throughout the act and would not look away from you. He would look you in the eyes and smile at you afterwards. He would even make you tea or something else to show how much he appreciated and valued your presence.

Some men and women struggle with intimacy, believing that their partner is the problem. They are often jealous of their partners’ wild sexual escapades and they may have difficulty understanding why they can’t get what they want from their relationship. These couples need to learn the difference between sex and lovemaking so they can improve their relationships and find joy in them.

Love making takes a lot of work. It requires a great deal of patience and kindness to meet each other’s needs. It’s the kind of intimacy that enables couples to bond over everything from miscarriages to cancer treatments. It’s the kind of intimacy that can keep a couple together through thick and thin, and it is more beneficial than just having sex alone.

It’s common for men and women to have a relationship with someone who makes them happy physically but their marriage or partnership isn’t healthy. If you want to make sex and lovemaking a key element of your relationship, it’s important to work on it outside the bedroom by building trust and showing affection. Download Relish to access expert relationship coaches, therapist approved quizzes and more – free for a week!

Bottle Types and Diagnostic Shapes

A bottle is a container, most often made of glass, for holding liquids. Bottles come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, though the most common are cylindrical with straight sides and a narrow top. They may have a cork to seal the opening. Bottles are used for a wide variety of products, from drinks and milk to medicines, perfumes, cosmetics, and more. Some bottles are used for transporting chemicals or liquids such as fuels, cleaning agents, and pesticides.

Historically, bottles have been made in a great variety of shapes and sizes. The Bottle Typing (Typology)/Diagnostic Shapes complex of webpages is an on-line “type collection” of the major types and styles of bottles manufactured during the covered era. This collection is constantly being added to as more bottles are identified and photographed. These pages are not designed to be “complete” in any way since the number and variety of different bottles produced is vast. This is especially true of liquor bottles – which is the focus of this section of the site.

While the morphology of a particular bottle will vary, there are certain patterns in the way these bottles were formed that are easily identifiable and help to identify a bottle’s type. For example, a bottle with straight side and neck profiles is likely to be a whiskey bottle whereas a squat round bottle is more likely to have been used for beer or ale.

Another very useful indicator is the rim of a bottle – the extreme upper surface where the bore begins. This is sometimes called the lip or collar, and it may also be referred to as the ring or wedding band if it is narrow and rounded. This is a transition zone between two other major portions of the bottle – the shoulder and base of the neck.

The base of the neck is another important piece of information to determine a bottle’s type. Generally, the base of the neck is thicker than the rest of the body and may be very squat in shape. This may be due to a need for extra strength to hold the contents, or to provide an area that can be embossed with labels and other graphics.

A final key indicator is the neck. The neck of a bottle is typically much thinner than the shoulders and body, making it easier to grab when grabbing the bottle from a shelf or other surface. The neck is also where the bottle may be twisted to open and close the bottle. The term bottle also refers to a device fitted with a teat for giving milk to babies and young children, or other liquids to young animals. This type of bottle is also called a suck-bottle or a feeding bottle. The term suck-bottle is derived from the fact that a baby or young animal tends to suck on a bottle rather than using its mouth to drink. The suck-bottle is also the more common name for a bottle used to administer medicine or other liquids to an infant or young child.

Redefining Work

Redefining work means shifting all workers from executing routine, tightly defined tasks to identifying and addressing unseen problems and opportunities. That means reimagining the entire scope of work, for everyone at all levels, at all times, including and especially those on the front lines. It means enabling every worker to be a value-creating hero at all times, whether they are seeing their daughter’s first steps, launching their own side businesses, or helping customers get what they need. It also means cultivating and drawing on intrinsic human capabilities to pursue work for fundamentally different purposes. It requires rethinking what it means to be an employee, not just adding more employees or reskilling them for new tasks or technologies.

The scientific definition of work reveals its deep connection to energy. In order for work to occur, there must be a force exerted on an object and the object must be displaced. The relative directions of the force and displacement determine whether the work done is positive, negative, or zero. The more perpendicular the direction of the force is to the direction that the object moves, the less work will be done. This is why pushing an object straight down on the ground does no work—it’s not the same force (a coolie lifting a load) or the same distance displaced (from a body to Earth).

A more general way to think of work is in terms of energy: work equals the change in the kinetic energy of an object multiplied by the constant of proportionality. This is called the work-energy principle. For a free (no fields) and rigid (no internal degrees of freedom) object that is merely displaced in a conservative force field, without changing its linear velocity or angular velocity, the work it does is equal to the force it applies times the change in its kinetic energy, W = F d x.

It turns out that the same formula applies to an object in motion on a curve C, which can be evaluated by taking a line integral over all the points of displacement C, resulting in W = -F v d x.

Another important point is that in order for a force to do work, it must not only be applied but also have a component in the direction of the displacement. This is why we often feel exhausted after holding something heavy, as when we lift a briefcase full of books on level ground. It is the effort to move our arms against the resistance of the book pages that causes us to feel tired. This is why we call it hard work. It is the same reason why multitasking ruins your performance. Doing more than one thing at the same time makes you slower, more stressed, and more prone to making mistakes—it is hard on your brain. If you want to be more productive, focus on doing fewer things at once and make sure each is done well.

The Benefits of Making Love

Making love is an intimate, sexual experience that involves a combination of sexual stimulation and emotional connection. It is a powerful way to express your feelings for your partner, and can be a rewarding experience even for those who are not particularly fond of intimacy. Developing your skills in making love can increase the satisfaction and pleasure you receive from sexual activity, as well as the overall enjoyment of your relationship.

Despite the many myths and misconceptions, the idea of making love is quite simple. In essence, you want to please your partner during sexual intercourse by making him or her as horny as possible. However, this process is more complicated than simply thrusting hard and pulling. Instead, you must understand what each person likes and dislikes. This will help you avoid common mistakes such as putting too much pressure on your partner or going too fast.

When you know how to make love, you will enjoy the sensation of pleasing your partner more than just the pleasure that it gives you. For example, women often prefer to have oral stimulation during sex. During this time, you should stroke her tongue gently and use your fingernails to play with her lips. You can also kiss her in the mouth to stimulate her sensual senses. This will help her feel connected to you and create an intimate atmosphere in the bedroom.

Men, on the other hand, often prefer to have a mix of both hand and oral sensation. For example, you can stroke the head of his penis and then rub the back of his neck. This will give him an initial feeling of pleasure and also stimulate his orgasm. You can also use your hands to massage his body, which will increase the amount of pleasure that he feels and help him relax.

One of the best things about making love is that it can help your relationship grow, especially if you are new to it. For example, in the early stages of a relationship, it is common for couples to have sex without any affection or emotional connection. When they experience making love for the first time, it is often a milestone in their relationship because it shows a new level of intimacy and affection.

Another benefit of making love is that it helps to build trust in a relationship. When you build affection in the bedroom, it translates to the rest of your life together. This is because it shows that you care about your partner, and that you are not afraid to express your feelings. You can also try to find other ways of expressing your love and affection for your partner, such as giving gifts or spending time together. In addition, you should try to show your partner that you care outside of the bedroom so that they are motivated to return this affection in the bedroom. If you have problems communicating with your partner, consider talking to a sex and relationships counselor or therapist.

How Bottles Are Made

The bottle is a ubiquitous item in our daily lives, used to hold everything from milk and soda to motor oil and shampoo. But have you ever wondered what it takes to make these bottles?

The raw material that makes plastic goes through a manufacturing process to become bottles for liquid substances like milk, soda, and motor oil and for dry products such as medications and nutritional supplements. This process converts organic polymers into a soft, malleable state that can be molded into the desired shape and then cast into a solid form. The resulting bottle is a sturdy, lightweight container that keeps its contents secure, preserves the contents’ freshness and quality, and has an attractive appearance.

Glass bottles are also in widespread use. Like plastic, they are made from non-equilibrium atomic states that appear solid on a short time scale but continuously relax toward the equilibrium liquid or crystal state. Glass manufacturers produced bottles for specific products with defined shapes that were associated with a particular period of time. For example, the square, short necked bottle pictured to the right is generally considered to be of an early 19th century type that was popular for a high alcohol nominally medicinal product known as “bitters” or “schnapps.”

Bottles are produced by various techniques such as blow molding (using air pressure to inflate molten material into a mold), injection molding, extrusion blow molding, and co-extrusion blow molding. Bottles can be decorated with a variety of materials and designs using inks, paints, or labels that are applied by either printing or shrinking to fit the bottle. In addition, a wide variety of finishing techniques can be used on bottles including painting, hot stamping, and silk screening.

These finishing techniques can be combined to create unique and eye-catching bottle designs that are sure to impress consumers and increase sales. In fact, consumer demand for eco-friendly, durable, and attractive bottles has increased significantly in recent years, prompting major plastic companies to invest in research and development of new glass and plastic materials.

Some scientists are working on alternatives to the traditional bottle, including a version of glass that is both biodegradable and recyclable. However, the current generation of alternative bottles has not yet made a significant impact on recycling. The vast majority of plastic bottles still end up in landfills or as waste in oceans where they may leach harmful pollutants into the soil and water, or be ingested by marine life.

In an effort to help reduce the amount of plastic waste, many communities have implemented bottle bills and other measures to encourage residents to recycle their bottles. However, a more long-term solution will require the development of innovative, alternative production methods that will reduce the dependence on virgin raw materials and improve the economics of plastic bottle manufacturing. This will not be an easy task as the chemical makeup of bottles is so complex and multifaceted, but the goal is certainly worth the effort.