The Concept of Work

In physics, work is the transfer of energy from one object to another. It is calculated as the amount of force exerted multiplied by the distance over which it is applied. The SI unit for work is the joule (J), which is the same as that of energy. It is also sometimes called “potential energy.” In everyday use, the concept of work can be somewhat different from that of a scientist: something we think of as hard work, such as writing an exam or carrying a heavy load on level ground, may not actually be doing any work at all.

There are many reasons to work hard, from personal pride and a desire to succeed to the desire to provide for one’s family. Whatever the reason, working hard means doing more than is required, going the extra mile and striving to excel. People who are hard workers tend to have a positive outlook on life and find satisfaction in achieving their goals. They often get noticed and respected in the workplace.

Whether we like it or not, work is a necessary part of life. It can be a challenge to find the right balance between work and other important aspects of life, such as family and recreation. People who are hard workers do not let the difficulties of finding a work-life balance keep them from striving to do their best.

People who are hard workers often see the bigger picture, which gives them a sense of purpose and allows them to be more productive. This is especially true of people who have a high degree of motivation and drive. Hard workers are often creative and innovative in their approach to tasks. They are constantly looking for ways to make things faster and more efficient. This type of worker usually finds himself in leadership positions.

To do work, an object must be displaced. In order for a force to do work, the displacement must be in the direction of the motion created by the force. If the direction of displacement is opposite to the direction of force, the work done by the force is negative. If the direction of the displacement is parallel to the direction of force, the work done is positive. For example, a supermarket checkout attendant pushing a can of soup 0.600 m horizontally does positive work. Similarly, when a person lifts an object 0.600 m vertically with a constant force, the force does positive work. However, if the force is held for an extended period of time, such as when a person holds onto a car that is sliding down a hill, the force does no work at all. This is because the vehicle’s movement is stopping itself. This is an example of friction, which does no work.