November 22, 2022

What is a Bottle?


‘Bottle’ is the Middle English term for a container. In Medieval Latin, it was used to describe a container that contained liquids for infants. The term was later used to describe a siphoning tool that warehouse workers used to suck in liquids.

There are many different types of bottles. They are typically made from glass, plastic, or aluminium. These containers are used to store liquids, such as juices, soft drinks, and cooking oil. They can also be sealed with an external bottle cap or internal stopper, which protects the contents from spills and evaporation.

There are three major parts of a bottle, which are the body, the rim, and the neck. These parts can be easier to understand if you have a definition for each. Here are some common definitions.

Body – The body is the main content of the bottle. This portion is usually located between the shoulder and the heel, but may be constricted at one or both ends. Depending on the design, the body can be shaped to allow for a specific closure.

Heel – The heel is the lowest part of the bottle. It is often the most constricted portion. It is also usually the transition zone between the body and the base. In some bottles, the neck may be a part of the finish, but this is not always the case. A bottle that is narrow-necked is primarily used to store liquids. It usually has a close-fitting stopper to protect the contents from spills.

Ring – The ring is the lower part of the collar. It resembles a glass “wedding band”. The rim is the top part of the bottle. The rim is the location of the bore, which is the hole in the bottle. It is often preferred over the lip. The rim can be used for many different types of closures, including induction sealing, a screw cap, and an external bottle cap.

Lip – The lip is the uppermost surface of the finish. It can also be used as a shorthand reference for the entire finish. However, it can be confusing to use the term lip, as some authors use it to refer to the upper part of a multiple-part finish. Other authors use it to describe the entire surface, including the sealing surface.

Embossing – The embossing is a raised design, or graphic, that is engraved on the inside of the mold. These designs are also called mold lines. These lines form when the edges of the mold section parts come together. They are also sometimes called parting lines, but are sometimes used to refer to the joints or seams of the mold.

Shoulder – The shoulder is the transition zone between the body and the base. It is usually located above the neck, but may be below the finish. This section is usually constricted, and it usually terminates at the “resting point” of the bottle.

Neck – The neck is usually a constricted part of the bottle. It usually increases in diameter at the base of the finish. It is usually lower than the finish.